Zone 4 Representative - Central Bay of Plenty

Mobile: 027 329 6328

Vance was brought up in rural Northland, whose earliest memories are of fishing trips with his father and brother. He has always had a passion for the sea, whether it was on top fishing or under the water diving, and eventually becoming addicted to game and ultra-light tackle fishing.

He first became a member of the Whangarei Deep Sea Anglers Club in about 1977 and was an active member there until moving to Australia for a few years in the late 1990’s. In 2003 he moved back to New Zealand and settled in the Bay of Plenty, where he joined the Mount Maunganui Sport Fishing Club and ended up on the committee, becoming a zone delegate for the club to the NZSFC in 2004 and eventually the vice-president for a number of years. In 2019 he became the NZSFC Board representative for the Zone 4 (Central Bay of Plenty) clubs.

He is passionate about introducing people, especially kids, to the sport of fishing, and especially the joys of light and ultra-light tackle fishing. He now has a number of grandchildren who love fishing, so that keeps him occupied.

He has a strong science background and is very interested in the NZ game fishing tagging program and fisheries management from a science perspective.