Highly Migratory Species Submissions 2012

by the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council

The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council is committed to ensuring that sustainability measures and management controls are designed and implemented to achieve the Purpose and Principles of the Fisheries Act 1996.

What follows is a list of 2012 submissions and relevant documents related to Highly Migratory Species (HMS).

NZSFC Submission – Protection of whitetip sharks. 22 August 2012

The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council supports the MPI proposal to prohibit the taking of oceanic whitetip sharks within New Zealand fisheries waters and from New Zealand flagged vessels fishing on the high seas. 

whitetip shark submission

MPI Proposal – To protect the oceanic whitetip shark. 18 July 2012

The Ministy of Primary Industries propose to prohibit the taking of oceanic whitetip sharks within New Zealand fisheries waters and from New Zealand flagged vessels fishing on the high seas. 

whitetip shark

Submission – Sustainability measures for Highly Migratory Species – Southern bluefin tuna. 3 August 2012

The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council urges the Minister to take a precautionary approach when managing the critically low Southern bluefin tuna stocks. 

whitetip shark submission