Fisheries Management System Review 2016


On 11 November 2016 the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) released the Future Of Our Fisheries (FOOF) consultation documents with the stated intention: “to future-proof New Zealand’s fisheries management system”.  A series of public and sector meetings have been held around the country. Submission deadline is 23 December 2016.

Given the significance of these discussions the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council (NZSFC) believe it is unreasonable to be given such a short period for consultation amongst our membership. As a largely volunteer organisation it has been a challenge to explain and engage with our members especially at this busy time of year.

Our NZSFC Fisheries Management – Marine Protection team reviewed the Ministry’s five volumes of information and issued a Preliminary View on 9 December. Feedback has been sought from members and supporters. That feedback has informed the final NZSFC submission. The submission has been endorsed by the New Zealand Angling & Casting Association and Yachting New Zealand. 

Relevant information

This Review follows the 2015 review, which spanned August to December 2015. That process is covered onsite at the Fisheries System Review 2015 page.

Technical Advisory Group

In late 2016 Nathan Guy, Minister for Primary Industries, appointed a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to consider the future management options developed by MPI. TAG was also tasked with meeting selected parties who had submitted to the 2016 review. In December 2016 LegaSea received an invitation to meet with TAG on 1 March. This invitation was accepted and extended to several groups with non-commercial fishing interests. A record of the process is provided below.