Current Lines May 2017 Issue 2

With the first frosts of the season upon us, I hear the old boys in the club talking intensely on getting the puka gear ready for the next frost.  The one closest to June was favourable for a look out deep for these tasty fish.  As the song goes “I heard it thru the grape vine.”

There must have been some good advice given at the recent Hutchwilco Boatshow, judging from these results;

From Tauranga – Awesome Kingi for Paul McDowall off FinAddict last night.  33.5kg caught on 15kg from Walling Enterprises Sponsors Grid!  Wicked effort in shallow ground on a lighter set.

Multiple Marlin Feeding 140 off Cone Rock, a recent phone conversation was relayed to me, from a reputable third party, yes another honest fisher from Hunting & Fishing Whangarei.  “Marlin chasing Saurie around, had 8 fish around one lot of bait.  Had a couple of shots on lures, but nothing sticking. Need some Live Mackerels.”

Pay homage to the 2017 Maraetai Beach Boat club Champion – Darron Crawford – again.  Well done also to the “Top Twelve” who have made the team and will hold bragging rights for the next year. They will all receive an MBBC Shirt and will go forward to challenge and retain the Cobbald Shield next season.

Could this be the last YFT this season– Parenga Canyons on Sunday, 19°c water and hit on an old broadbill custom lure on the long rigger out of the blue. Weighed her on our old scales and pulled them down to 62kg.

Just landed 250m off Doubtless Bay – One of a double striped marlin was landed off a smallish looking boat whose name was not available at time of writing.  But the photo proof of the fish alongside was clear enough to indicate a good-sized fish.

Aussie sword season in full swing –  News just in from Lakes Entrance.  286 kilo sword just weighed. Wow. Vic swords going off.

Eden Game fishing club –  Club members Paul and Billy Rebbechi on Flying Dutchman have been giving the waters off Lakes Entrance a bit of a flogging lately and have been coming up with the goods for their efforts!  Billy landing a beautiful Sword and the scales tell the tales, 286kg if you don’t mind.  The fish took over 5 hours to subdue and was that large the boys couldn’t get it on Flying Dutchman, help from a nearby vessel sorted this out.  

NZ Swords; Manukau Sport Fishing Club–  Congratulations to the boys on “SHALL WE” today nailing a nice sword!! Angler Chris did the business on a 120.2 kg fish using a Talica 50 and Ultra Nano with Steveo and Dez on skipper and deckie duties!

From Waihau Bay– who are celebrating their 50th anniversary at Labour Weekend 2017.  A Nice Broadbill was weighed (22-05-2015) this afternoon, 141.2kg for Darcy Webber from his boat Ixphias. Magic afternoon with sun and flat sea. Caught in the Top Catch grid.

Manukau Sport Fishing Club report – Congrats to the boys out on DARK HORSE putting a nice sword in the boot today.  Shane Mankelow with his first sword going 149.1 kg.  Skipper Brian Mankelow and deckie Chris!

From what I have heard from those who went, and what I saw on the world wide web, the LegaSea stand and the wall of fish was amazing to watch grow.  For the launch of the “Fish Care” initiative, click the link and you will end up on the associated article and web-display.  For those who like the old-fashioned way, here is the link in old English;

A timely reminder if you know of, or have caught that special once in a decade fish.  Your club has until July 7th, 2017 to apply for any NZSFC awards and or trophies that they may win. Check out here “First and Heaviest 2016-2017 season”, and see if your fish is eligible.  I believe there are a few bigger fish out there yet to be sent into NZSFC by the appropriate clubs.  Please send catch details to our Executive Officer,


Current Lines