Whangamata Ocean Sports Club
Whangamata, on the eastern seaboard of the Coromandel Peninsula, boasts an ocean surf beach of magnificent proportions. A surf break directly in front of our Clubhouse called “the bar” is world renowned and attract surfers from all over the world.
It’s not just the Surf that attracts people to this seaside resort township of 4000. The beautiful beaches and consistently good year round weather attract sun worshipers, holiday makers and sport fishermen and women from all over New Zealand. The Coromandel peninsula and its waters contain many islands, reefs, bars and cliffs which are home to many aquatic creatures. The sport fishing in this area is often revered as the best in the country.
During the summer months the local population expands from 4000 to over 50000. The town is well endowed in all amenities, restaurants, bars, liquor outlets, various retail stores, B&B stays, motels, camping grounds, plus plenty of off road parking. There are also a large number of charter boats for hire. The Whangamata Ocean Sports Club is situated at the end of Port Road (main street of town), next to the wharf. The panoramic views from the club are amazing.
The Club offers to its 6,000 members a large range of activities, fishing tournaments, social activities, and the quiet brag about the one that got away. On top of our smaller monthly fishing tournaments we host three major tournaments per year. Our Ladies tournament is now by far the largest and most popular ladies only tournament in New Zealand. The 3 Day Classic is also a huge event, hoping to attract 1,000 anglers this year.
Within the club is a restaurant, showers, weekly members draws, raffles, large TV, a bar (naturally), weather reports, VHF radio, plenty of parking, and a weigh in station. These facilities are open to our members (and affiliated members) 7 days per week, from 4.30 pm.
More info at the club website www.oceansports.co.nz

Contact: Phil Keogh
Address: 1100 Port Road, Whangamata 3643
City: Coromandel
Phone: 07 865 8704
Email: manager@oceansports.co.nz