Houhora Big Game & Sport Fishing Club Inc
Far North Road Houhora
Telephone: 09 409 7755
Website: www.sportsground.co.nz/houhora_fishing_club
Email: fish.houhora@xtra.co.nz
Opening Hours: Friday & Saturday night from 5pm
The Houhora Big Game & Sports Fishing Club (Inc) is New Zealand’s most northern fishing club. Nestled on the banks of the beautiful Houhora Harbour the clubroom has stunning views of the harbour and surrounding area.
The ‘Galley’ restaurant and club bar are open Friday & Saturday nights from 5pm, with extended hours over the holiday season.
The clubrooms are superbly located and have two large rooms available for functions with full bar facilities.
Houhora is situated 40 kms north of Kaitaia and approximately halfway up the Aupouri
Peninsula, although small in size Houhora has just about everything you need for your holiday.
Boat Ramps: An excellent 2 lane concrete ramp is located at the Houhora Fishing Club.
A donation box is located at the ramp with contributions used for the continual upkeep of the ramp. The harbour entrance is bar free and the channel is well defined with marker buoys.
Accommodation: Two camp grounds, a motel, backpackers & Bed & Breakfast establishments.
Supplies: The local Houhora Wharf Store is fully stocked with fresh meat, vegetables, freshly baked bread, hot roasted chickens and most supermarket lines
Houhora Liquor Centre: All you’ll ever need!
Fuel & Diesel now available at the commercial wharf 24/7.
Medical Centre located in Lambs road opposite the Wharf Store.
Restaurant and Takeaways: Two takeaways & three restaurants to choose from.
Car Garage & Mechanic (no fuel here though).
Engineering Workshop
Dive Fills & Ice: Located behind the Wharf Store at Stiff Water Ice.
Fish Smoker: Frank Goodhue will weigh and collect your fish for processing and/ or smoking.
VHF Channels: Channel 60 East coast, 61 North Cape to the Three Kings, 83 West Coast.

Contact: Viv van der Sluis
Address: 4036 Far North Road, Pukenui
City: Houhora
Phone: 09 409 7755
Email: fish.houhora@xtra.co.nz