Category Archives: Fisheries

LegaSea Update 31. Your opportunity to Tip the Scales. September 2014

LegaSea Update 30. Southern blue moki and the next campaign. August 2014

LegaSea Update 29. Snapper, blue cod and Building LegaSea. July 2014

Seabed mining Taranaki. TTR appeal against decision. 1 July 2014
Blue moki 3. Submission on sustainability review. 25 June 2014

Decision. Crayfish and southern scallops. 20 March 2014

Submission. Southern Scallops (SCA7). 28 February 2014
Crayfish. NZSFC submission on sustainability review. 21 February 2014
Seabed mining Taranaki. Supplementary submission 28 January 2014