Animal Welfare Act review 2012

August – September 2012

In August 2012 the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) released a discussion paper, ‘Animal welfare matters. Proposals for a New Zealand Animal Welfare Strategy and amendments to the Animal Welfare Act 1999.

In September 2012 the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council (NZSFC) submitted that animal welfare does matter. Also, that it was important to rely more on science-based assessment rather than emotive or animal rights based assessment of welfare of animals and proposals for welfare legislation. 

NZSFC believe there are welfare gains to be made with better catching, handling and dispatch of fish caught by amateur fishers. 

NZSFC and LegaSea supporters are working on a Best Practice Guide to help educate fishers to take a responsible approach to animal welfare and to make good use of the fish they catch and keep. 

As a first stage in developing the guide, and to inform this submission, NZSFC commissioned a nationwide survey of people’s attitudes to animal welfare and fish. There were 2581 survey respondents. The results show that most fishers would read a guide and would change their behaviour to achieve better welfare outcomes for fish. 

NZSFC submission an Amendment Bill. 4 October 2013

The NZ Sport Fishing Council submit to the Primary Production Select Committee considering the Animal Welfare Amendment Bill. This submission summarises the main points made in the substantive submission in September 2012. 

Animal welfare matters. NZSFC supports the continued exemption of killing fish from the full provisions of the Animal Welfare Act as there are instances where common fishing practices make quick dispatch of fish impossible.

NZSFC submission on Animal Welfare Act proposals. September 2012

NZSFC supports the Government’s view that hunting and fishing are important and legitimate activities in New Zealand. For many people, fishing is their pastime of choice, providing food for the table and the soul, and occasionally a large or special capture. Guardianship and use of food from the land and sea are values which underpin all parts of New Zealand society. 

MPI proposals for an Animal Welfare Strategy and Act amendments.  August 2012

In August 2012 the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) released a discussion paper, ‘Animal welfare matters. Proposals for a New Zealand Animal Welfare Strategy and amendments to the Animal Welfare Act 1999’. The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council commissioned a survey and a submission in response to the proposals.

The NZSFC supports the continuation of the provision which exempts killing fish from the full provisions of the Act. There are instances where common commercial or amateur fishing practice may catch fish of a size or number which makes quick dispatch impossible.