Warkworth Gamefish Club
WWGFC has a steady core of around 300 members and is based at the SYC Clubrooms, Sandspit, on the east coast 9kms from Warkworth.
We runĀ 3 tournaments throughout the year, The Warkworth Gamefish One Base (Great Barrier Island) in early March, the 10kg Tournament is on King’s Birthday Weekend (early June), and the Ladies Comp in November.
Keep an eye on our Website www.wwgfc.co.nz
The Club has a volunteer weighmaster, in the locations of Great Barrier Island, Matakana, Leigh, Warkworth and Sandspit.
An extensive inventory of trophies is competed for each year, and presentations made at our AGM in August.
Local fishing is excellent for snapper, kingfish, and other quality table fare. Sandspit is also extensively used as a base for ventures further afield, to the Mokohinaus, Great Barrier, and the Hen and Chicks, where big gamefishing is available when the weather is behaving.
WWGFC members have a proud history of competing successfully in events throughout New Zealand. And a strong family focus that sees our juniors not just having fun but also achieving catch records.
New Zealand Sport Fishing and IGFA affiliations mean WWGFC members receive reciprocal benefits when competing and visiting other Clubs.

Contact: Louise O'Sullivan
Address: 1287 Sandspit Road, RD2 Warkworth
City: Auckland
Phone: 027 425 7224
Email: warkworthgamefish@gmail.com