Waihau Bay Sports Fishing Club
President: Ben Muir 027 286 1574
Vice President: Jim Kemp 07 325 3609
Secretary: Christine Elmiger 07 325 3949
Treasurer: Sally Kemp 07 325 3609
Members welcome just contact the secretary on 07 325 3949 or email waihau10356@gmail.com
The inaugural meeting of the WBSFC was held on the 21st. January 1966. It came about after considerable discussion between residents and visitors to promote water safety and develope an interest for the recreational fishermen. Those present included Pat Burstall, Len Walker(chairman), Harry Dutton (Sec/Treasurer), Mick Sheridan, Bill Harding, Jim Walker and Jack Edlin. The Club was thus named and a yearly subscription set of ONE POUND for adults and ONE POUND TEN SHILLINGS for a family.
The first Tournament held was on 27th December 1967, with Lottin Point and Waikawa Point being the boundaries and from this point on the Club developed a keen interest. During 1969/70 limited membership was gained to the NZ Big game Fishing Council, and a set of scales along with a gantry were put in place to cater for notable catches now being achieved. By 1973 full membership of the NZBGFC was gained and it was through this association in 1974 that our disapproval was expressed to MAF concerning the placement of a box net in Waihau Bay.
The following year saw the Yellowfin Tuna on the Cape Background adopted as the Clublogo, placed on shirts and ties to give the Club recognition outside the area.
1975 saw the FIRST WORLD RECORD, a 366.3 pound Hammerhead Shark caught by Mr Fred Bailey. Along with the removal of the box net from Waihau Bay waters. Major construction work was done on the ramp by voluntary labour; this saw a great improvement in launching facilities.
Over the years following, membership grew to over 100 and continuing development of the haven area saw channel markers in place along with a demand in 1979 to widen the ramp and,subject to finance and red tape the inclusion of a breakwater. Many discussions were to be held over radio communications, moorings, search and rescue, and the increase of Club tournaments, and as the Club grew many of these issues were resolved.
Two interesting entries from the Clubs weigh book are as follows
27 March 67
Near disaster on this day. Bronze Whaler 400/500 lb put a hole in the boat. Unpleasant for a while, Harry beat the water by baling with a box. Johnson engine never missed a beat, even when half submerged. Arrived home safely after about 3 hours.
25 February 68
Roughly same place and conditions hooked another heavy fish, after 2 hours broke Montague split cane rod. Huge Bronze Whaler brought to boat in about 3 hours. Too big to handle and snapped line on split cane. Replaced broken rob with glass fibre model.
Today the Club is very active and now has a membership of approximately 450. The three lane concrete boat ramp is a great asset to the Club and the weighstation is situated close by with weighmasters available by phoning one of the Club executive listed below or calling the local coastguard on Channel 63.
Please find enclosed my subscription to the Waihau Bay Sports Fishing Club Inc.
(Please list the names of all family members joining plus the birth dates of any juniors.)
N.B. A sub includes the first family member plus their partner and any of their children under 17 years of age. The cost is $60 for the first family member, $15 for their spouse and $5 for juniors.
Boat Name………………………………………………………..

Contact: Christine Elmiger
Address: 10666A State Highway 35
City: Waihau Bay 3199
Phone: 07 325 3949
Email: waihau10356@gmail.com