NZ Land Based Gamefishing
Contact: Todd Michell – 021 525 689
Delegates: Richard Baker & Scott Bradley
The New Zealand Landbased Gamefishing Club was formed in August 1985. The club became an incorporated society in June 1991 and was admitted as a member of the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council (now the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council Inc) in July that same year. It is the only land based gamefishing club in New Zealand to have this affiliation, and because of this, IGFA rules are recognised as the standard for all sport fishing done by our members.
The main target species for members include snapper, trevally, kahawai and kingfish. Tuna and marlin are also possible targets for experienced LBGers, particularly with many using boats to gain access to remote locations. Members of our club have tagged large numbers of kingfish since the club’s beginnings, and as keen conservators of this species, we foresee tag and release becoming more popular in the future.
Members receive a regular newsletter, which typically consists of capture reports, trip reports, news of club events, and comment on local/national issues which have the potential to impact on our activities. We hold a club tournament each year (usually in May), with the preferred location being the Far North because of available facilities and the number of fishing options. Additionally, we run three or four club trips annually to locations such as East Cape, Coromandel and Great Barrier Island, and from time to time some of our experts host tackle and technique sessions for members.
The end of our financial year is 30 June, shortly after which, the club holds its AGM and prize giving. Most of all this is a very friendly fishing club. Anyone can join and have heaps of fun and enjoy a pastime that has become a national sport in its own right. Whether you are just starting out or you’re a seasoned rock fishing pro, our club has something to offer.
We look forward to welcoming you to our club!

Contact: Scott Bradley
Address: 7/306 Oneriri Road, R.D.2
City: Kaiwaka 0573
Phone: 022 359 4139