Big Fish Fishing Club
Join a club which caters for all keen anglers, The Big Fish Fishing Club Inc has an active membership of almost 100 and is growing annually with membership only $56 per year.
The Big Fish Fishing Club Inc is affiliated to both NZSFC and IGFA with a weigh station which has IGFA certified weigh scales, weigh forms and approved measure mats, tag poles and tags and is always available to club members and for courtesy weigh ins.
It’s a fun family club, with members participating in monthly competitions, meetings, and family activities, on a regular basis.
The Club meetings/Socialising event take place on the second Wednesday of each month from 5.30pm and the venue is sent out by email or Facebook page the week before the meeting. This is a great place to meet other members and enjoy fish stories.
Club rooms are kindly provided by the Bucklands Beach Yacht Club, at their clubrooms situated at Half Moon Bay Marina. Phone/Fax 0064 9 576 2764.
The Big Fish Bait & Tackle Co. is our key sponsor, which monitors VHF channels 16, inner gulf 64 and outer gulf 60 during working hours.
Things to look forward to 2024-2025 Season.
Our monthly Snapper competition is growing in popularity and provides friendly and good-humoured competition between members. It is a weight competition, with the weight changing monthly. With a prize for seniors and juniors.
Other Club Competitions throughout the year are the “Trent Heaford Memorial Landbased competition” and the 10lb Snapper and 3lb Kahawai competition with details to come.
Every year there is a photo competition, and we are always looking for shots that encapsulate our sport and Hobby.
We are also proud strong supporters of the National Body, New Zealand Sport Fishing Council and LegaSea which is a subsidiary of the NZSFC fighting for all anglers fishing sustainability.